For some time the science, practice, or lifestyle is present in the Brazilian and American territory, but never before with such proportions, Yoga has previously been considered an oriental science, a Buddhist or practice a healthy lifestyle gained strength in the various offices of psychology and Naturology. However, the ‘jerk doctor’ is that really popularized the search for Yoga. In magazines and newsstands you can find a variety of publications and videos-lessons on the various existing approaches: Prana Yoga, Ratha-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga, Nada Yoga and many others, each with a specific goal and so also of finding the balance between body and mind. But whatever the style practiced, yoga has become a powerful ally to mental health, because through its practice leads the practitioner to get your sanity while leading the meditation practice. Mistakenly, many people come up to the great spaces of renowned academies or seeking to lose weight, gain muscle, strength, or looking to seek relief for premenstrual syndrome, sciatica, anxiety and depression. A lesson or practice of yoga (as is commonly said) is not a pill or medicine that is used for some time and after use reveals a ‘cure’ to the practitioner. It is similar to the sessions of psychotherapy, therefore, the practice of yoga is procedurally and as you are doing (like a walk in the park, eating habits more healthy) and learn the various postures that the body is able to do ( comprising the various possible ways of thinking about a situation in therapy), and ways of breathing (acquiring new behaviors and attitudes in accordance with the specific cognitive) the student develops a new way of thinking and focus, acquiring the ability to meditate not only in academy or in the spaces (discharge process of therapy, in which the therapist worked with the patient it be your own therapist), but anywhere you want to meditate. However, for this is necessary to understand that yoga is not a pill or a class of aero ‘something’ to lose weight is a practice linked to an Eastern philosophy of life that aims to teach how to live a more balanced and harmonious between body-mind. It is interesting and vital that every student / practitioner / curious study and read with their teachers / masters, originally on the books’ Yogas Sutras of Patanjali “comprising teachings on what would be the Yoga, for whom he was destined for and practicing”. It is that yoga is a process of identification with the modifications of consciousness / mind, enabling greater control of thoughts, intended for those who want to avoid the kleshas to take good quality of life and that through mental practice techniques Yoga can prepare and qualify physically, mentally, emotionally and morally to take a practice called Yoga higher (samadhi). But ultimately, what are these kleshas? These are elements that cause pain and suffering for individuals and considers the existence of five kleshas, ??these being Ignorance (Avidya), Egoism (Asmita), attachment (raga), aversion (dvesa) and Fear of Death (Abhnivesa). Through, for example, the social disciplines (Yamas) Yoga proclaim the necessity of Truth (Satya), Non-Covetousness (Asteya), Abstention (brahmaccarya), Non-Appropriation (Apharigraha) and Non-Violence (Ahinsa). Apart from other disciplines, named as individual disciplines (Niyama) Courses Physics (Asanas), Disciplines Respiratory (pranayama), Discipline of the Senses (Pratyahara), Attention (Dharana), Meditation (Dhyana) and Harmony Plena (Samadhi). In all, the best known and most widespread are the Asanas and Pranayama. So the next time you start doing yoga does not give up, the first classes are really hard, but are not mystical, in contrast, are only the tip of an iceberg of a philosophy of life that have much to add. Understand that religion teaches what man must be, that philosophy makes man understand why to be and that the psychotherapy teaches how to be, will provide an excellent quality of life physically, mentally and spiritually.
By Cintia Vilani (Psychologist specialized in Cognitive Therapy and Mental Retardation Ms in Clinical Psychology from Catholic University of So Paulo – Brazil)