Tag: BC

Brief History Of Yoga

History of yoga- an overview
The history of yoga is believed to be as old as civilization. The prehistoric roots and its gradual evolution and development are testimony to this fact. Ancient yoga derived from Indian asceticism to uniting in the cosmic one. Yoga history could be traced in the Upanishads, Vedas and even in Brahmanas. The yoga history was also illustrated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

How yoga derived its name?
The history of yoga is recorded in our scriptures and its continuously evolving in recent times. Though yoga has evolved with changes in techniques and methods but the essence and goal remains the same. The word yoga derived from Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning to unite.

History of yoga in Indus valley civilization-
The archeological excavations of ancient civilization shows that even before 3000 BC yoga had evolved. The artifacts and the Yogi glyptic are testimony to the fact. The various yoga postured relics depicts, some of the noteworthy yoga postures in them.

History of yoga in Vedic period
With evolution of Vedas the foundation of Hinduism was laid. The Vedas hold the ancient yogic teachings and hence is known as Vedic yoga. While some vague references of history of yoga could be found in the Vedas but practices could be found in the Brahmanas. The Rig Veda mentions yogas practice as yoga was essential with Vedic ritual. This dates back to 900 BC.

History of yoga in the Upanishads-
This period is also knows as pre-classical yoga period. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad makes the reference of yoga meditation and is clearly reflected in 900 BC to 400 BC. The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad-Gita (oldest Yoga scripture) shows the yoga history in 500 BC and 200 BC resp. Even in Buddhism, the importance of yoga meditation and various yoga postures have been mentioned.

History of yoga in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras-
This period is also known as the Classical period of yoga. The main attempt of Patanjali was to define and normalize classical yoga form and is known as Patanjali eight fold path of yoga (Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga).

Post classical yoga-
Numerous sovereign yoga schools were developed during this period after the Yoga sutra period, hence the name Post classical yoga. The human body became filed of study along with the meditation which was missing is the previous years. A new system with numerous yoga exercises was developed. And thus Hatha yoga, Raj yoga and other branches emerged.

Modern yoga and its history-
The Chicago summit and the famous lecture of Swami Vivekananda became a turning point with the introduction of Yoga to the Western world. Thus various yoga schools emerged and more and more people learnt this yogic form of exercise.

Yoga today in modern world-
Yoga has gained immense popularity in recent years. Yoga has become a health movement. The westerners views and spirituality has changed a lot. Yogas has become a mandatory fitness regime. Yoga has evolved into more modern form like power yoga or Zen yoga.
Yoga has revealed through its long history. The vast oceans of Yogic literature and the motivation and drive makes all follow the true Yogic path.

History Of Yoga- An Overview

The history of yoga is believed to be as old as civilization. The prehistoric roots and its gradual evolution and development are testimony to this fact. Ancient yoga derived from Indian asceticism to uniting in the cosmic one. Yoga history could be traced in the Upanishads, Vedas and even in Brahmanas. The yoga history was also illustrated in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

How yoga derived its name?

The history of yoga is recorded in our scriptures and its continuously evolving in recent times. Though yoga has evolved with changes in techniques and methods but the essence and goal remains the same. The word yoga derived from Sanskrit word Yuj, meaning to unite.

History of yoga in Indus valley civilization-

The archeological excavations of ancient civilization shows that even before 3000 BC yoga had evolved. The artifacts and the Yogi glyptic are testimony to the fact. The various yoga postured relics depicts, some of the noteworthy yoga postures in them.

History of yoga in Vedic period

With evolution of Vedas the foundation of Hinduism was laid. The Vedas hold the ancient yogic teachings and hence is known as Vedic yoga. While some vague references of history of yoga could be found in the Vedas but practices could be found in the Brahmanas. The Rig Veda mentions yogas practice as yoga was essential with Vedic ritual. This dates back to 900 BC.

History of yoga in the Upanishads-

This period is also knows as pre-classical yoga period. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad makes the reference of yoga meditation and is clearly reflected in 900 BC to 400 BC. The Mahabharata and the Bhagavad-Gita (oldest Yoga scripture) shows the yoga history in 500 BC and 200 BC resp. Even in Buddhism, the importance of yoga meditation and various yoga postures have been mentioned.

History of yoga in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras-

This period is also known as the Classical period of yoga. The main attempt of Patanjali was to define and normalize classical yoga form and is known as Patanjali eight fold path of yoga (Eight Limbs of Classical Yoga).

Post classical yoga-

Numerous sovereign yoga schools were developed during this period after the Yoga sutra period, hence the name Post classical yoga. The human body became filed of study along with the meditation which was missing is the previous years. A new system with numerous yoga exercises was developed. And thus Hatha yoga, Raj yoga and other branches emerged.

Modern yoga and its history-

The Chicago summit and the famous lecture of Swami Vivekananda became a turning point with the introduction of Yoga to the Western world. Thus various yoga schools emerged and more and more people learnt this yogic form of exercise.

Yoga today in modern world-

Yoga has gained immense popularity in recent years. Yoga has become a health movement. The westerners views and spirituality has changed a lot. Yogas has become a mandatory fitness regime. Yoga has evolved into more modern form like power yoga or Zen yoga.

Yoga has revealed through its long history. The vast oceans of Yogic literature and the motivation and drive makes all follow the true Yogic path.

How To Awaken Supernatural Powers Through Yoga Or Taoism

Your mind is a valuable tool that most people don’t use to its fullest. If everyone used it to the maximum capability, there would be no more war, illness or anger. We simply access a small portion. This is not true of every civilization or person. Some use means to increase their awareness and access the supernatural powers of their mind. It proves that we all are capable.

Taoist of China had a background that acknowledged mysticism and control of the elements. Like many early civilizations, they practiced shamanism. Specific people of the village had the ability to communicate with nature.

In 2600 BC, even though these people were still relatively unsophisticated by our standards, the Yellow Emperor Huag-Di, used the power of natural herbs to create Chinese Medicine. He also became the highest deity two thousand years later when Taoism began.

Taoism contained the belief that if a common man pursued Tao, the eternal road or ideal of life, they could perform as Gods. They reached the higher levels by performing good deeds and quieting their minds to access the information of the universe. There is magic all around according to the Taoist.

People choose to live limited lives and those that perform miracles, also choose that way of life. For those that suffer from lack, in their health, finances, love or happiness, according to the Tao it is their choice. It is the words they feed their internal being. By quieting the mind, eliminating these internal conversations and replacing them with quiet focus on the higher mind, everyone is capable of performing magic in their lives.

The powers don’t come overnight but through years of study and discipline. It is a matter of letting go and letting the flow of the universe create the ideal conditions for the person to accomplish the goals. Much like Christianity and the mantra, “Let go and let God,” the belief system is similar. Just like quieting the mind and focusing on the belief that all matters are handled easily by God, the Tao believe the Universal power and the natural order of good comes to those that follow the training.

While some of the magic comes from magic and spells, much of the Tao or Dao power comes through meditative practice. The Taoist believes in four states of Dhyana and eight different levels of concentration. By attaining the highest levels of concentration, no information is unavailable or task that is impossible.

Just like the Taoists, those that practice Yoga at the highest levels also can create miracles while in the higher levels of concentration and meditative states. Some of the powers include distant viewing, healing and even the ability to fly. While most people will not have the lifetime of practice to focus on flying without an airplane, they can change their life through the meditative states.

Even though both Taoism and Yoga have a religious base, you don’t have to follow the religion to follow the meditative practices. In Yoga, it is a belief that those that have a pure mind focused on good find the transformation to the higher level a pleasure. Those who focus on evil, find it a living hell. The intent of the person and study of the principals help those that reach higher levels of consciousness to achieve this without experiencing negative forces. Anyone that uses a moral code aimed at goodness for all, and faithfully cleanses their mind of harmful thoughts should make safe passage to higher levels.